26 April 2011

Lost and Found

The Management would like to ask for your help finding a lost child.  Easter Sunday, my family was invited to my brothers house to celebrate with the traditional pitch in dinner.  We had a nice time looking at our nephew's prom pictures, telling stories, yelling at the kids to keep the noise level to a moderate roar.  Instead of doing a traditional Easter egg hunt in the rain we decided to postpone it until Mother's day weekend.  Mom had put together Easter baskets for the all the kids and handed them out.  They were such a great hit that I don't think that any of the kids noticed that we didn't do the egg hunt.  I had developed a sinus headache and signaled Nikki that we needed to wrap things up.  Nikki was good enough to me to actually get every one and everything rounded up. We thought we were ready to go and someone asked "Where's Morley?" We hadn't seen her for a while but had not been concerned. We did a quick once over of the whole house and didn't find her My older brother Dean went outside to start around the house and I started checking closets.  My younger brother John gave the all clear when he saw a pair of  glittery ruby slippers sticking out from under the master bed skirt. And I ask you, how can you be angry with a face like that?  

Photos courtesy of my brother, John.

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