Nikki ran out to get a gift for Megan and I started several projects all at once in hope that I could complete them all before Nikki got home. Start baths, check, get camping gear and food out of jeep, check, empty overflowing garbage can, check, put dirty smokey smelling clothes in the washing machine, check, corral the naked dancing girls into the tub, check, wash there hair and Nikki arrives home. So I didn't have all the kids lined up and dressed for inspection but Nikki seemed to be that I had not sat down and watched a cartoon with them and ignored life while she was gone (pat on my back).
Mom and dad stopped by on there way to lunch after church to see if we were home and were relieved to find us home and dry and not soaking and squelching wet. During lunch dad said that at about eight thirty nine o'clock he had the urge to put the hitch in there van and help us get back home. strange because that was about the same time we were finding out that our Jeep was acting up. This was really strange because it was about the same time, when I was getting the Jump start from another camper that I thought the best solution would be dad pulling the camper back and me trying to nurse the jeep back without the extra load. This kinda thing never happens to me, it makes me wonder about ESP.
I ran to the auto parts store and was called by Nikki who said "turn around, you have the wrong receipt" Strange she was right. then she explained the store called and they handed me the wrong one. I got home a bit late and we set off to the party when Nikki said " I left the ice cream on the table". We turned around and retrieved that. We get to about the same spot again and she said "I forgot the paper plates", so now we are very late. We ended up arriving at my sisters house a bit early and was able to help her with final preparations and the scorching of meet on the grill. the rest of the afternoon went without incident.
Upper left Me and Morley Upper right Megan Lower right Riley |
I wish my brother-in-law could have been there but he was traveling back from a national guard weekend in St. Louis. I cant explain how much respect and honor I feel toward not only him for his sacrifice of time and talent but all our troops both active and reserve. Thank you!
I would like to wrap things up by saying Happy Birthday to my daughters Riley who is five and Morley who is three. and also there cousin Megan who is ten going on twenty! Where does the time go?
A side bar, at the time of this post I just finished plugging a hole in the tire of the car that went swimming last week. I am thinking of changing the name of this blogs name to Embarrassing Car Problems and Their Repairs. Nah to soon to make that call.
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