08 May 2011

Mother's Day

The management would like to recognize...

Mom & Morley, Florida 2009

Mom, thank you for all the love and support you have given me mom.  Through all the aggravation, sadness, and rough days in school you have been there to lift my spirits and my soul, to drive away the darkness, and to celebrate the successes and joys of my youth.  Through my shortened collage career, through my driving career, and now as Nikki and I start out and grow our own young family. Thank you for always being there with the right words of encouragement, guidance, and support.  I love you mom!

 Jonah, Riley, Nikki & Morley, Summer 2009

Nikki, sorry you will have to wait until our kids can post something about your mothering abilities.  I am too close a part of the management as everything I have written for you sounds strange in my head.  How ever I love you more than anyone else in the whole world! You are the most important person to me.  I didn't get to choose my parents and I didn't get to choose my children but I did get to choose you and from where I stand you are an awesome mom too!  My life is awesome.

Happy Mothers Day to all those special moms in my life.

04 May 2011

Hand Book

The Management would like you to read the hand book and sign off that you have read, understood and agree with everything contained within.

Me: "What are you doing?"
Nikki: (pulling pages from the printer) "Printing off the childcare hand book.  We are supposed to read it and sign off that we have." 
Me: "And your are actually reading it?"
Nikki: "Yes!, (pregnant pause), well I'm skimming it over.
Two minutes later...
Nikki: filling out form "My name is Jonah, People call me.."
Me: Puddintain?
Two more minutes later...
Nikki: (still filling out forms) "I don't think Morley has ever been enrolled!"
Me: (rolling eyes)
Nikki: "If I fill this all out will you just sign it?"
Me: "Maybe!"
Five minutes later...
Me: (scratching initials into one page, turn page,) "Where do I sign this?"
Nikki: "That one you sign at the top."
Me: "Is this it?"
Nikki: "Uh, ya." (looking over pages) "By the end of this page your n looks like a w."(giggles)

Nikki and I love our day care provider and her family.  She is generous, kind, selfless, loving, friendly, active, fun, compassionate, and caring.  In other words the kind of person you want to be around and the kind of person you want taking care of your kids.  We will fill out forms and read handbooks till the cows come home for her.  Thank you, Shawna, for all you have done for our family in the past four years.

03 May 2011

I love holidays

The Management would like to remind everyone that the upcoming holidays are upon us and it is important for everyone to give one hundred and ten percent.  The day after tomorrow is of course cinco de Mayo but tomorrow, tomorrow is Star wars day! yes May the fourth be with you!.  I was also hoping to celebrate Lief Ericson day soon but I am informed that it is in October on or about the eleventh.  So happy holidays everybody!

Birthday Birthday Birthday

The Management would like to recognize person or persons having birthdays during the last part of April.  We had just returned form our camping trip early due to a nasty forecast and were lucky to get home due to some minor mechanical problems with our Jeep.  I was happy with that decision and glad that we were well rested and dry.  That afternoon we were going to my sisters house to celebrate birthdays for the girls and my niece.

Nikki ran out to get a gift for Megan and I started several projects all at once in hope that I could complete them all before Nikki got home.  Start baths, check, get camping gear and food out of jeep, check, empty overflowing garbage can, check, put dirty smokey smelling clothes in the washing machine, check, corral the naked dancing girls into the tub, check, wash there hair and Nikki arrives home.  So I didn't have all the kids lined up and dressed for inspection but Nikki seemed to be that I had not sat down and watched a cartoon with them and ignored life while she was gone (pat on my back).

Mom and dad stopped by on there way to lunch after church to see if we were home and were relieved to find us home and dry and not soaking and squelching wet.  During lunch dad said that at about eight thirty nine o'clock he had the urge to put the hitch in there van and help us get back home.  strange because that was about the same time we were finding out that our Jeep was acting up.  This was really strange because it was about the same time, when I was getting the Jump start from another camper that I thought the best solution would be dad pulling the camper back and me trying to nurse the jeep back without the extra load.  This kinda thing never happens to me, it makes me wonder about ESP.

I ran to the auto parts store and was called by Nikki who said "turn around, you have the wrong receipt"  Strange she was right.  then she explained the store called and they handed me the wrong one.  I got home a bit late and we set off to the party when Nikki said " I left the ice cream on the table".   We turned around and retrieved that.  We get to about the same spot again and she said "I forgot the paper plates", so now we are very late.  We ended up arriving at my sisters house a bit early and was able to help her with final preparations and the scorching of meet on the grill.  the rest of the afternoon went without incident.
Upper left Me and Morley Upper right Megan Lower right Riley

I wish my brother-in-law could have been there but he was traveling back from a national guard weekend in St. Louis.  I cant explain how much respect and honor I feel toward not only him for his sacrifice of time and talent but all our troops both active and reserve.  Thank you!

I would like to wrap things up by saying Happy Birthday to my daughters Riley who is five and Morley who is three.  and also there cousin Megan who is ten going on twenty! Where does the time go?

A side bar, at the time of this post I just finished plugging a hole in the tire of the car that went swimming last week.  I am thinking of changing the name of this blogs name to Embarrassing Car Problems and Their Repairs.  Nah to soon to make that call.

Slippery When Wet

The Management would like to remind you to watch your step when the ground is wet.  This weekend The five of us set out on the first camping adventure of the season to Turkey Run State Park.  Planning, preparation what do these words mean?  well damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead! Our first stumbling block reared its head when Nikki and I realized the Friday we had decided to pull Jonah out of school a bit early was a field trip and one I had already said that I would be willing to drive the church bus for.  So we blundered through preparations that shouldn't have been left to last minute to leave town later that expected.  all in all we did do a good job of last minuting and only forgetting salt, pepper, matches, marshmallows and extra shoes for Jonah and Riley. 

Our first evening was relaxing after the stress of the hurry up to get there.  The playground was close and our kids hit it off with others that were in a neighboring sight to ours.  Jonah kept forgetting the little boys name and kept calling him "Hay Dude."  Nikki and I relaxed around the evenings camp fire and turned in shortly after dark.  The next morning started as many Saturdays begin all be it the bath house is a bit further than at home and this being the case requires a community trip to the head.  Breakfast was sausage gravy, a one pot wonder type of meal that allowed us to hit the trail shortly before nine. 

Riley and Jonah standing on a portion of Wedge Rock.
Sugar creek had been out of it's banks earlier in the week by about 12 feet or so the beginning portion of our walk was very slippery with muddy silt covering trails and steps.  Morley rode on my shoulders for much of this portion of the hike tending to lean forward so as to force me to look straight down.  After we had made it back into the canyon  fifty yards or so things became cleaner but wetter the overhanging rock dribbling drops on us as we tried to avoid walking in the stream.  We made it as far as the Punch Bowl before tears of anxiety erupted from Riley, and soon after Jonah too.  With cold squishy shoos and wet pants cuffs we turned back.  Shortly after spirits lifted and smiles returned, it seams that now being wet it was not nearly as necessary to look for rocks to try to traverse the stream any longer so dirtier we got!  The park is arranged very nicely with a drinking fountain and a hose bib near the top of the stairs.  a quick rinse of everything below the knees and we were respectable to go into the nature center and rest.  To Nikki's and my shock we were actually on the trail for a little under two hours.

Nikki found it necessary and in retrospect it was a very good idea to leave the park and seek out a dollar store to find that most versatile of foot ware, the flop flop.   We returned to camp to make lunch, (hot dogs), and  everyone laid down for a nap.  during this time I had turned on the radio in the jeep to listen to music.  the station we listened to played all kinds of great stuff, they also forested thunderstorms for late that night and early Sunday morning, so after the wind blew down the awning down Nikki and I both agreed that we should pack after dinner and make our way home late Saturday.

Packing went great! things seemed to slide quickly into there spots I rolled the camper to the Jeep hooked up as Nikki took the kids to the bathroom.  I decided to let Morley (who stayed with me) to ride on my lap to the bathroom.  We jumped in and I turned the key to hear the click click click sound of the starter failing to start the car.  When Nikki arrived back with Jonah and Riley in tow she found a neighbor camper giving the jeep a jump start.  this however was not all the problems that the jeep had decided to thrust upon us this day.  once started she wouldn't keep running, or more to the point she wouldn't keep idling.  So we sat for ten minutes running the engine at 1800 rpm before I got up the nerve to drive home two footed, that's right one foot on the gas and one on the break. 

I kept her running until I had to get out in the driveway to unhook the camper and yes when I let off of the accelerator she died.  I was able to re start it later to put it in the garage so it would be dry to work on in the morning, so what could it be,  it wasn't the alternator or the battery.  this was going to bug me all night,  fortunately as I lay in bed I remembered that she did almost the same thing about two years ago and the fix was a thirty dollar part that easily installs in about ten minutes.

So it worked! we arrived we had fun and we returned home safely with out any extreme change of plans or mishap.  I will chalk this on up as a success!

Photo courtesy of Nikki

28 April 2011


The management would like to remind everyone that one should not drive on the roadway when water covers is covering said roadway.  OK! so there is this spot in the road that the plant driveway is on that tends to hold water even thou there are drains at the low spot in this area.  Usually this water is no big deal, well today it was about knee deep in the center of the road.  So what do you do when you discover you are in to deep? Well me I jam on the gas trying to reach the other side, didn't work either.

So right away  I called the plant and asked if our mechanic Joe was able to bring out the service truck or loader and push me out.  The car was keeping the water out of the passenger compartment surprisingly well so I relaxed and did what any normal person would have done, eat my breakfast.  I endured the laughs of other truck drivers as they slowly passed sloshing me around slightly like a ping pong on the top of a beer.  Joe showed up and quite expertly pushed me into the lot where I allowed gravity to try to undo what a charging V8 engine, OK I had done, this also didn't work.  I clocked in and delivered  a load.  Dispatch was kind enough, after hearing how stupid I had been  to allow me the rest of the day off to try to get the car running.  

It just so happened that dad called me just as I was clocking out to see it I was at work and if not to see if I was interested in going to NAPA and also to get some lunch.  I said that was interested in lunch but there was something I had to do first.  After giving him the low down he turned around to give me a hand.  By the time he arrived I had all eight spark plugs out and was ready to get the water out of the cylinders.  Dad stood back almost far enough while I cranked the engine.  It is kinda a surreal thing to see eight tiny geysers erupting from the engine compartment.  To make a long story shot it worked! and I was able to drive home.

After getting some lunch and necessary supplies I drained what looked like coffee with to much creamer in it out of the oil pan.  I replaced the air filter as well and went to pick Jonah up from kindergarten.  I would like to note here that the car seemed to be running well considering it was full of water a few short hours earlier.  Since then I have changed the oil once again and also put an additive called Sea Foam into the oil as well.  I and dirty tired and am ready for a short vacation to Turkey Run State Park this weekend.  I hope things aren't quite as exciting then.

26 April 2011

Lost and Found

The Management would like to ask for your help finding a lost child.  Easter Sunday, my family was invited to my brothers house to celebrate with the traditional pitch in dinner.  We had a nice time looking at our nephew's prom pictures, telling stories, yelling at the kids to keep the noise level to a moderate roar.  Instead of doing a traditional Easter egg hunt in the rain we decided to postpone it until Mother's day weekend.  Mom had put together Easter baskets for the all the kids and handed them out.  They were such a great hit that I don't think that any of the kids noticed that we didn't do the egg hunt.  I had developed a sinus headache and signaled Nikki that we needed to wrap things up.  Nikki was good enough to me to actually get every one and everything rounded up. We thought we were ready to go and someone asked "Where's Morley?" We hadn't seen her for a while but had not been concerned. We did a quick once over of the whole house and didn't find her My older brother Dean went outside to start around the house and I started checking closets.  My younger brother John gave the all clear when he saw a pair of  glittery ruby slippers sticking out from under the master bed skirt. And I ask you, how can you be angry with a face like that?  

Photos courtesy of my brother, John.

Easter Special.

The Management would like to thank the Easter Bunny for there help Sunday.  Saturday started so nice and wonderful.  I had a chance to sleep in, I didn't have to go to work even though it was my Saturday to work.  I was able to wrap up some work around the house a prepare for the hour or so trip up North to Nikki's Family Easter celebration.  We arrived to the sound of 20gage shotguns obliterating skeet, Talked with aunts uncles and cousins, and wrapped up the evening playing beer Frisbee.  The trip home seemed to go fast but every one was wiped out from the day and it was much later that I had anticipated returning.

Nikki said  that she would rather wake up early and prepare for our home egg hunt than stay up late and be groggy.  We blissfully drifted off to sleep while I thanked God for such a wonderful wife that doesn't forget the important things like Easter eggs that had apparently escaped my thoughts until she had said something about preparing them in the morning.  I wake up in the morning to Nikki leaning over me saying "Do you know where the plastic eggs are I have been looking in the basement for twenty minuets and I cant find them!"  I joined the search for a while before we gave up and weighed our options.

Option one, One of us run to the store and purchase new eggs to fill.
Option two, We hide raw, un-collared  eggs and pray that no one drops any. 

I went to corral the kids into our bedroom as they emerged from theirs, and Nikki did the dead.  Yes we hid raw un-collard eggs!.  So as these things go they tend to end up surprising you and this morning was no different.  I sat with the egg carton as the crew rounded up the eggs and unbidden brought them to me.  They didn't seem to question why we had white eggs or why they didn't put them in there baskets it was just another thing that we do differently.

If you are out there EB, Where did you put the empty eggs after last years egg hunt?